DIVE into the #FLUFFLEHOLE ~ 1/1 #NFTs COLLECTION of hand-drawn, non binary FLUFFLES. CELEBRATING how WE ARE ALL 1 of 1s ~ Founder & Artist: StrokeDriven

Kay Cee KoolLoLo BunzEevie Em


  • All FLUFFLES are 1/1
  • All Hand Drawn
  • All Gender Fluid regardless of appearance
  • Ready to get ADOPTED or FOSTERED
  • Proud LGBTQ Ally and Supporter

Proud Allies

Proud LGBTQ+ Ally

Proud #ALLY and supporter of the #LGBTQ+ community. Thanks in advance for diving into the #FLUFFLEHOLE


Proud advocate for the Alopecia community helping to raise awareness and break the stigma associated with this autoimmune skin disease that results in hair loss and emotional pain.

Who is Stroke Driven

Stroke Driven is an NFT artist based out of New York and the founder of the FLUFFLE HOLE Collection and a stay-at-home mom of three

I discovered NFT Art back in August and I wanted to create something to honor a child of mine who had recently come out to me as non-binary.

8 years ago when they were only 7 years old, they developed an autoimmune disease called alopecia. Basically, with alopecia, the cells in your immune system surround and attack your hair follicles.

Sometime after the discovery of Alopecia, they wound up losing all the hair on their entire body and this caused them a lot of mental health issues including depression, anxiety, and even suicidal ideations.

They've been battling with all of these issues ever since and I gotta say, I love all of my children equally, but I have to say that this child I'm honoring with this project is the STRONGEST and most COURAGEOUS human being that I know.

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